May 10, 2007

7:18 p.m.

it's sweltering

i can't wait to go to new jersey for some sweet air conditioning.

random thoughts/facts...

it's really stupid to get depressed from reading a book. really fucking stupid.

most of the time it's easier to blame things on hormones. biology is comforting in that way...

in seven days i must have 12-15 pages written/revised, but i'm fretting about it instead of working. humanities are hard.

i sat on a centipede. a big one. it was horrifying and traumatic.

i'm pretty stupid sometimes. most of the time.

when i'm really tired i'm practically catatonic.

i pretty much don't do any drugs, but i do have, i don't know...drug-seeking impulses?

whether i want to or not, i pretty much feel like there's no point in having long-term plans, goals, hopes, desires, etc.

i'm really stressed out right now, and i have no good reason to be.

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