October 01, 2007

7:43 p.m.

new not-new-year's resolution

not that i had an old one really. i suppose what i should say here is, make time to make plans for the future. but i've realized i really don't care that much for the future. long-term future anyway. what i really care about is the present. so instead my resolution is, and i'm putting it in writing where people (a few people anyway) can actually see, so i feel more accountable for it,

my resolution is to from now on row like there's no tomorrow. the way i remember i used to, except now i feel like some small spark has gone out of it. which is no good. even though in the past it's resulted in me burning out and/or getting injured. maybe this time it can be the same, only i'll be less stupid. i at least want to be able to say, i pulled so hard i puked, at least once in my four-year rowing career. and go out in a blaze of glory. and hopefully, puke.

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