July 21, 2002

6:59 p.m.

this is all a dream

and maybe my friend
and your friend
will hit it off or maybe we will...
I'm dying to know
do you do you like dreaming of things
so impossible...

living in a daydream. *sigh* i was actually reading "a midsummer's night dream" FOR FUN!...argh...well, it wasn't so bad. but then it's like, why am i reading a script for fun? even though it is shakespeare...

this friend i have, [no names], she's so ugh! it's utterly disappointing how she turned out. people should not be that dumb and taken advantage of. and when i point it out to her, she defends herself as if she's right! well, it's her life...and if i can't help, at least i don't wana argue and be on her bad side. [even though im the sensible one!]<-what a biased view huh?

im out

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