July 21, 2002

11:34 p.m.

un-stress and something freaky


whoa. ya wanna hear something freaky? i was reading this book that had a haunted bridge, called Knightsbridge, or Night's Bridge. and anyway, when i was driving today, all of a sudden i see a road called Knightsbridge Parkway! weeeeird, huh? i told you there's so many darn coincidences! oh yeah, and there were a few other coincidences today, but they'd just sound stupid if i tried saying them. heh heh. nothing sounds stupid in my mind. just when it comes outta there...then...

well it's a cool book. it's been awhile since i've read a book for pleasure and actually got pleasure outta reading it. it's a nice feeling. i forgot how relaxing it is curling up randomly around the house with a book and getting lost in another world...i like that feeling. it's so relaxing. and un-stressful. i love un-stress. un-stress is beautiful.


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