November 01, 2001

5:53 p.m.



i'm so embarassed! agh! g3 says i'm a bad spy.

so ming and alex were up there by the sports center entrance, and they were looking for g1. BUT i couldn't see them cuz of the big pole, SO i PRETEND to get a "pencil" under g3's chair BUT i'm looking at them at while i'm squatting next to her chair, when they LOOK AT ME! so i wanna hide, that's my first instict so, i hid my head behind g3', not THINKING what that looked like! aaagghh. now they think g1 has weird friends. which she i guess dz. oooops!

nobody read this entry if you kno these ppl, or else our cover is blown, g3 says.

g3 isssss blownnn.. we're such pathetic spies. heh, hated with reason? yep!!!!!!!


it's dark and i want my sandwich

it's jen here! she's just visiting our diary! she says: "why? i say tonite will be a nite to remember aka ab&c a and bc a AND bc no not a b and c!"

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