November 23, 2001

11:19 p.m.

babbling again

i haven't been on this late in a really long time. i'm at this guy's house rite now and he's on the floor sleeping. i want some sleep too. [even though i drank 3 cups of coffee tonite]

i relie need to start doing my hw these days. too much procrastination. yesterdya, nate, lily and her friend ying came over. that was kinda fun...interesting is a better word. some ppl are so ghetto...and some ppl [like me] are so...NOT ghetto. haha...that was stupid to say but im serious. im so unexposed to some things that ppl do at our age. im so innocent. yeh! go me. im innocent. im a good gurl. i pride myself on that. actually, yea. i don't think that im missing out on all the fun cause i don't go clubbing or u kno, smoking weed or w/e . it's just not me. i study instead. yea...that'll lead me to a good life i hope. well it's the life i'm choosing. ugh im babbling. it's so late. just...idno stop typing. yea.


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