January 12, 2003

10:37 p.m.

evil glares and the weather report says blustery


oh no i did it again! i swore i wouldn't, and i really truly meant it. but it was so warm, i couldn't help it. so i used up all the hot water, and i step out of the bathroom encountering the evil glares of family members who have not yet showered. and now i have a time limit on the minutes i spend in clean goodness...four minute mile? pshaw! try ten minute shower! pshaw! which reminds me...yes, i must study for french...tomorrow, that is.

oh well. perhaps i will master the ten minute shower by the time i pack my bags and set off for college. so as to avoid the evil glares of dorm mates who have not yet showered. and it will be good for the environment. tres good. though i don't believe it counts for community service. yuck, how selfish. i really do like volunteering, but i don't quite like being required to volunteer.

on a side note, the weather report said "blustery". ha, dost my ears decieve? they actually said "blustery". like pooh and the blustery day. or something. which i always read as "bluestery", and then i thought it had something to do with blueberries. oh woe. i don't want blustery. it sounds so forlorn. hide me. oh blustery day!


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