October 16, 2001

8:35 a.m.

center-seeking music


wow. it's late arrival. and i went to school. drat.

eeeeheeeheee. i'm so tired. i guess i should study centripetal stuff. but i'll finish this first.

my "theory" is that ppl naturally are drawn to other ppl to socialize, interact, etc. but instead of that, they're thrown apart from each other by other circumstances. so even tho they might meet @ the center, it's hardest to stay that way. sound familiar? heh, heh, heh. i'm sorry for my corny physics metaphor. i couldn't resist.

whoa! i didn't notice that when i first listened to the cd. j.lo just said "i wanna do erotic things" or something like that. why do ppl think music turns them on? i think it's just a way of blaming something else for their actions. "no! it wasn't me who did your daughter! it was the music!"

i like music. but not this song. just music. :)


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