October 16, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.


ha.. i accidentally fell asleep at 6ish. i got over 13 hours of sleep but you know what? ..i feel like i could sleep away the rest of the day. minus the really weird dream i had last night. maybe i should stop watching tv or thinking or something, to avoid that.. but. idno. hehe, good thing i can't remember it all.

the world goes 'round and 'round, but some things never change...

ahhh! i quoted a britney song!! it's true, though. not much of anything changes. people rarely change, just circumstances do. hm.. cliques suck. i hate talking to people in cliques. i mean, it's fine if the people in the clique have friends outside of it, and it's not so closed off.. but otherwise, it just sucks. what if you only want to talk to one.. um.. member of it? i don't think it can happen, cuz the "member" always has the other clique groupies hanging around. safety in herds. WHOA. HAHAHAHAHA. I REMEMBERED PART OF MY DREAM!!! wow. lol, i think that means i'm sick. maybe i should take today off and just.. sleep. yeeeep.

after talking to someone yesterday i realized that i really shouldn't be blowing off school. i need to just work.. start doing my homework, start studying for tests, get back on track before i screw everything up and regret it all.. because once you mess up, nothing can change it. i know i could be doing better if i actually put the time and effort into it, and i think maybe now is the time to be realistic and understand that the rest of my life is determined now. ugh. the rest of my life. life is nothing like school. the smartest of people in school will end up miserable in life if they're the ones who don't do the readings and don't put forth the effort cuz they just listen in class and pride themselves in their "natural" smartness. those people are lazy, and no one is going to care about how "naturally" smart they are. it has to be proven. sooo.. i guess i'll just put my problems on hold and be more like g1 and g2.. lol.

hehe... "be nice to nerds. you'll probably end up working for one."

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