October 02, 2002

10:14 p.m.



how the heck do people do it? exhaustion is...a very tiring word. how can people even think with half their brain shut down? maybe i'm just exceptionally lazy...don't wanna put in the effort. of waking up. i shouldn't be so darn lazy. why am i not up till three a.m. doing homework? and why am i not taking five tests in one day on three hours of sleep? what, am i afraid of the challenge? afraid to really push myself? afraid i'll burn out? break down? huh? huh? arrggghhhhhhhhsdifjlskd....i wanna sleep!

the more tired i am, the more mad i get at myself. it really stinks. i think it's some sorta cycle, but i can't figure out where the cycle part comes in...bllleeeeehhh. maybe i'll just stop complaining and actually sleep.


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