October 02, 2002

quack quack

i'm bored. my life is boring. white girl couldn't go on knowing that she was just here wasting time.. she drowned in the lake last night. why not black girl? is it just a white girl thing to be bored as hell from the monotony of life? or maybe it's not even white. maybe my hearing is gone. eh.. shit happens.

"is she a freshman? she should be a freshman because then she'll be stupid and put out." yep. be careful who you stalk.

laaaa lala. on a holidayyy.. far away, to stay... on a hollliddday. let's run away. i'm up for anything that offers more mental stimulation than.. this. so i think i'll go sleep now and stop boring myself to death. grades.. haha. i just got over caring.. damnit. there goes my motivation. how fleeting. and the drifting continues...... i'm almost too far gone to be restored. one day per week. 1/7... 14%. hmm, that percentage looks a little too familiar..... ugh screw you bio. i wish it was different.. only in dreams, i guess.... living the same moment over and over short cirtuits my brain. yeah. boredom kills.

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