December 03, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.

ahhh i'm really really sorry!

wooooo, despite my really crappy day.. it wasn't that unbearable. no wait - i guess that means it WASN'T really crappy. ignoring the screw-ups in the inclass essays (yep.. two.. blah.) nothing went wrong. heh.. i'm a pretty decent spy, i guess.. why i'm stooping as low as to do that.. well.. yeah, it accomplished what i had hoped, so i'm not complaining.

mijook!!! no wait.. i don't think that's his name.. mijutsu? hehe.. its that guy.. from the yearbook.. original triangle.. that's his name! hm, i really should start working more..

awwwwwhhh. jane eyyreeee.. i'm so far ahead.. i just finished the readings that were due thursday (leaving time to study for phys.. fun fun fun).. hahaha.. i'm so pathetic. i KNEW that was gonna happen!!! i knew it i knew it i knew it!! cept.. *dun dun dun*.. i know that there will be a turn for the worst.. "they're starting to susect something.." heh, this feels like i'm watching a stupid soap opera.. cept.. about random 19th century people, not midgets, and i'm not finding the boring parts funny. geez, i don't think i'm sounding right cuz of my mindframe.. sorry g2, i deleted my last two entries.. they didn't meet the standards.. and i'll probably delete this one, too.. but anyway.. yeah.

FINE g2!!!!


lol... ok, now everthing is back to normal.


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