July 28, 2002

1:14 p.m.

a funny fellow

not doing homework...as usual...bleh

G2: hi
Guy: hey
g3: haha your online
G2: actually there
Guy: hows it going?
G2: good
Guy: im always here...
G2: weezer
G2: relle?
G2: your always idle
Guy: yes... and what amout them?
Guy: alright, i admit... im a busy man... always doin stuff...
G2: huh?
Guy: ... nevermind... what about weezer?
G2: i am listening
G2: to weezer
Guy: oh
G2: looking forward?
G2: are you playing that game?
Guy: sure... though... havent heard many songs by any of the bands
Guy: no...
Guy: watchin some random frenchmovie
G2: there's only 2 bands
G2: french movies are weird
G2: ohsodhfa
Guy: either of the bands
g3: there's 3
g3: aftually 6
g3: 5
Guy: any of the bands...
Guy: exactly...
G2: maybe 6
G2: i don't
G2: know
G2: i don't even know my own thoughts
Guy: thats not good, get one of those psychics... they could help you out wit that...
G2: all my psychics are on vacation
Guy: a few more cant hurt...
g3: so what are you wearing?
Guy: at the moment?
g3: no
g3: tomorrow
Guy: oh... um... jeans... a tshirt... socks... shoes... boxers... the usual
G2: k cool
G2: should i wear shorts?
Guy: no definitely not... people wit shorts get eaten at concerts
G2: are you serious??
Guy: of course... didnt you know?
G2: what about angel jeans?
Guy: angel jeans? i have absolutely no idea what those are
Guy: sounds very goody goody to me
G2: angel is the commpany
G2: they're ok
G2: i think
G2: hot or cold?
Guy: ild go wit the short mini skirt, some fishnet tightss.... stiletto heals and a very suggestive tank top
Guy: uh
Guy: never been there
Guy: dont know
G2: huh??
Guy: i wouldnt know about the temperature
Guy: cause... ive enver beent here
G2: are you dressing long sleeve or short
Guy: short
G2: oh
G2: baby tees?
Guy: ...?
G2: nevermind
Guy: what are baby tees?
G2: just regular short-sleeved shirts girls wear
Guy: oh yeah.. of course, wear those all the time
g3: yeah you would
g3: so what's up with you?
Guy: um... im worrying about my lack of turning ability
G2: so short sleeves, long pants
G2: oh
G2: dr ed?
Guy: myself yes... you... i dont know
Guy: yes
G2: no problem
G2: just don't tangle your arms togetherr in the hand-over-hand
Guy: yeah... i do that... and he told me not to
g3: looking forward to the cotillion?
Guy: yes... in fact... i just wet myself thinkin about it...
Guy: sure i guess...
G2: what a ccoincidence
Guy: did you wet yourself as well?
G2: um...no
Guy: what is the coincidence then?
G2: thinking of the cotillion
g3: so how's the fam?
g3: what's up with your mom?
g3: have any plans for later tonight?
G2: i'm sorry
G2: have i overwhelmed ou?
G2: *you
G2: with quesitons
Guy: i was using the bathroom actually
G2: i thought you wet yourself
Guy: ... my mother... um... shes... doing alright... i guess... plans... are not quite set yet... have to drive wit father later tonight...
Guy: i had to clean myself up
Guy: couldnt walk around wit urine soaked jeans for the rest of the day
G2: squeaky
Guy: whos squeaky?
G2: you are
G2: squeaky clean
G2: of course
Guy: most definitely
Guy: though... didnt wipe my chair off...
g3: ewwww
Guy: O:-)
Guy: dammit... angel face..
Guy: O:-)
g3: you're so dirty
Guy: dirty... blonde...
Guy: am i cahtting wit *****?...
g3: you're hair is almost reddishful
g3: if you squint and do some other stuff
g3: of course this is *****
Guy: what other stuff...
G2: jen said you were blond
G2: and you asked me if this was so
G2: and i said, dirty blond
Guy: we were talkin about my legs...
g3: other stuff. you should know
Guy: i really dont... explain... now...
g3: i'm sorry but you do not have the authority
Guy: damn... not even a little of the authority?
g3: not over me
g3: i'm older than you
Guy: but im taller
g3: that means nothing!!!!
Guy: in some african tribes that is much more importnat
G2: in case you haven't noticed i'm not african
G2: or part of a tribe
Guy: youre not?!? i coulda sworn you were 60% swahili
G2: oh
G2: well that is a little known fact
G2: how di d you find out?!
G2: geez you're good
g3: you're super cool
Guy: i have my ways...
Guy: sweet
Guy: super cool
G2: can you guess what the other 40% of me is?
Guy: hmm... norwegian?
G2: no but close
Guy: swedish? like the fish?
G2: i could be a fish
Guy: if you were, what species would you be?
g3: but you could be a pixie elf
G2: or an elk
Guy: do i have to be somethin taht sounds so gay...
g3: or a jewish camel
g3: you do have the rainbow buddy icon
Guy: what would make a camel jewsih... hmm... ohh...
G2: i would be a rainbow trout
G2: or a tuna
Guy: no i dont... you still have the rainbow icon
G2: i smell good
Guy: do you smell like tuna?
G2: what? i don't have a rainbow icon
g3: you tell me
g3: who's the worst person you've ever smelt?
g3: today?
Guy: yould best come over here so i can smell you...
Guy: is that all one thought
g3: yes
g3: worst person you've ever smelt today
Guy: um... this girl at summer school
g3: aw what about after summer school?
g3: and what was her name anyway?
Guy: i dont know
Guy: i sat next to her while playing cards
Guy: i think it was her that smelt
Guy: or i was makin stuff up
G2: oh well that's always good helps your concentration
G2: whoever smelt it dealt it
Guy: that is so not ture
g3: goddamn you half japaneese girls!!!!
g3: the redhead said you shread the cello..
Guy: haha, thats the only song ive ever consciously heard
G2: oh that's cool
Guy: are you alright
g3: sorry
g3: i get like this when i talk to a big manly man
Guy: ooo...
G2: maybe you're scared to say i'm fallin for you...
G2: cuz i can't even look in your eyes
G2: without shakin
G2: and bacon
G2: and turkey
G2: and llama
G2: spam
Guy: i saw llama a couple days make
Guy: back
g3: hey so who do you like?
g3: i want your llama
Guy: i dont know
G2: really??
Guy: yes really
G2: i should think it was quite obvious by now
Guy: it is/
g3: yeah sorry but it is
Guy: who do i like?
g3: i can't tell you that
Guy: uhm... why on earht not?
g3: nevermind
g3: it's not important
g3: but if you won't tell me then that's still cool
Guy: i really dont know
Guy: do you? or... was that... just another really funny joke thing?
G2: streamlined...
G2: sorry
Guy: what is?
G2: i'm hyper
Guy: oh
Guy: go run around the house
Guy: and raise a barn
g3: so sorry if i'm annoying you..
Guy: nah its alriught
g3: ok.. sorry..
Guy: *****, you apologize this much too/
G2: oh i'm not myself today
Guy: are you #####?today?
G2: no of course not
g3: i'm still *****, just another one
g3: we're my alter ego
Guy: do you have a spandex costume wit a cape on it?
G2: of course
G2: we all do don't you have one?
G2: or are you just not cool enough?
Guy: i prefer leather actually... spandex irritates my... hmm... well... it causes irritation...
g3: you dirty little...
Guy: dirty little what? you dont have the guts to finish that sentence!
G2: ham
G2: i meant pork chop
Guy: well yould better get it straight befoer you start throwin insutls like that around
Guy: i have to go now
Guy: im sorryt
Guy: have fun being hyper
Guy: ###****#...
G2: bye bye my pixie elk
G2: i would've done **####
G3: ***####
G2: but ###****# is fine
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