October 14, 2001

12:46 a.m.

some girl

um yeah.. i don't really know the point of this.. but i met some girl who's a druggy and is failing every subject, but is having the time of her life. she's doing everything because she wants to.. she's so damn happy and having fun.. disregarding all of the other crap about life, focusing on herself. ..but she also said that she plans to kill herself before she gets old.. that it's not something she wants to be.. so she's living it up now and ending it in her prime. lol.. i'm trying to figure out what i think about that. it's either incredibly smart or stupid.. i mean, who wants to be old, anyway? ..technically, everything we're doing now is so we can do well when we're old.. but it'll be hard to go sky diving when you're frail and wrinkled.. so maybe it's better to live it up while you've got it.. the hell with everything else. but i don't know. mi brayn izunt werkinn.

well.. it probably is better to go when everything is perfect.. rather than killing yourself/dying when you're miserable. those who do that really never know what happiness feels like.. and that just plain sucks.. it's giving up before giving anything a chance, before having any happy memories to hang onto. damnit.. i don't know.. and i was supposed to stop writing in here. wow. it's late for me. i'm so pathetic. :)

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