December 28, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.

keep dreaming..

yeah.. i think i'm done writing in here for awhile, since i'm a little unable to say what's on my mind.. but that's ok. i didn't sleep at all last night because my neice (2 year old) decided to stay up until 3 a.m. and we had to watch cinderella.. i haven't seen that movie in forever.. she had a sleepover on top of that, but the other little kid (3ish year old) slept all night and woke up at 6... so yup. that was great. sleep is probably overrated, anyway...


A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true


omgomggggg.. g2.. i found the cd!!!! lol.. i've never been so happy to hear that annoying chemistry song.. and i realized, whoa. i live for summers. during the school year almost nothing memorable happens.. almost every day seems like "a copy of a copy of a copy".. but so far every summer of my life has been unique and unforgetable. deer, ducks, psyho hunters, the amish, spanish laundry workers, lemonade missions, births, deaths, druggies, injuries and more are all a part of my past summers. wow.. i guess my life hasn't been all that boring.. or at least for a whole 2 months a year. sorry... i just got my memory back and i'm over EVERYTHING that has been bothering me.. ah, greatness. i hope next summer doesn't let me down..

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