
12:24 a.m.



999! we're almost to 1000! (yea rite.)

that concert lasted forever! it was kinda cool when the lady played only w/ her left hand cuz it sounded like 2. hands i mean. did ya kno it wuz a benefit concert? no i suppose not. i guess it was worth sitting for almost 3 hrs.

the very long concert got me thinking to when i was five(ish) and about my friend from then. we were the bestest friends. aw. i remember when he took me to the museum and i saw a giant stuffed polar bear and a dinosaur w/ the spiky back. and when i convinced him to open the Christmas presents two weeks early when our parents weren't looking. and i remember i got him a lil yellow dumptruck and he got me a nutcracker whose beard i tore off after i realized it didn't relle crack nuts. and i remember when we sat on the stairs eating strawberries w/ cream.

ya kno what he said when i told him this like seven yrs later? "i remember one day you moved." can you believe that?! guys are so insensitive. and oafish. and doltish. yes, g1, guys suck.

lalala. it's so late i swore i would never do this again, staying online forever but it's so tempting when you're already awake. ya, adios.


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