October 17, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.

leeches 2

leeches still suck. remember, we flicked on it!!!

7th grade.. ha.. i said something about leeches and someone mentioned out lil' experiments in jr. high. we put leeches under different circumstances to find out how they'd react.. my group decided to put them in mountain dew.. of course not allll mountain dew, just a small amt. in some water. at the time it seemed like it was a really smart idea.. we were going to test the effect of caffeine on them.. to see if they'd get hyper. hm.. yeah.. they did get a little overactive.. for a while they were just squirming around faster than normal like they were crazy, so everyone in my group was happy about that. but then.. then they just.. stopped moving. i remember being worried and poking one.. telling it to move.. but it just floated there. we killed all of our leeches. every one of them. groups that cut the leeches in half to see if they could survive killed fewer than us. yep. my group killed them all.

..they were squirming the way they were because they couldn't breathe.. they were.. spazzing.. probably going into cardiac arrests for all i know. and we were so excited and thought our experiment was working..

wow. poor leeches. how abused.

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