September 02, 2002


woke up abnormally early, can't figure out why.. but it's nice outside (no sun woohoo!!) so whatever.. i'm great.. just a bit bored. i have absolutely nothing to say, but i'm still writing. i should just.. stop.. but yeah, you know how it goes. i hate having nothing to say.. if i ever think before i speak, then normally i stop before i let myself say something really stupid... but since i try not to do that as often, i end up talking.. but still saying nothing. yeah. there really is.. nothing.. to say.. to anyone. geez that word looks weird now that i've overused it.. say.. kinda foreignish.. or not... idunno. i feel sorry for anyone still reading this.. there's nothing in here.. i sympathize with anyone who listens to me while i'm braindead... i put up listening to myself think most of the day.. and i know how it feels. to think nothing. listen to someone who means nothing. only amusing when bored. yep.

Why bother? It's gonna hurt me

It's gonna kill when you desert me

This happened to me twice before

Won't happen to me anymore

i'm going on a huuuuge =vv= withdrawal.. who has THE cd?!?! so many missed opportunities, i'd imagine... don't know where i'm heading... two v's... w.. double-u? how do you spell that.. double you? double ewe? wait.. it's a letter... not a word.. so it can't be spelled.. right...? yeah, i think i'm going to go back to sleep, and i'll take a vow of silence or something, to make up for my lack of anything to talk about... seems like great fun. maybe i'll seem smarter. think or do. nothing to think, so do. cheap thrills. i heart weezer. woohoo. never had to knock on wood.... ah, the memories. "if we can make one minute more interesting for joe, imagine what we can do for your night." haha... yeeeeah.

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