October 27, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.


where the heck did you get that picture?! BURN IT BURN IT BURN ITTTTT.
remember the titans was a gooood movie.. i think..

a: oh dear.
a: thespark said im a man
me: ME TOO
me: i got exactly in the middle though
a: but.. they.. said im a man..
a: you mean that dot thing?
a: in the middle too
me: yep
me: it said i was a man too.. lol
a: freaky
a: lmao
a: manliness!
a: *cracks up*
a: whoo. maybe we need a sex change.
me: oh hell yeah. .. hahahaha.. ew.
me: we'd make such crappy guys
me: we'd be way too feminine..
a: wed be fruity guys.
me: hehehehe.. fruity..
a: sorry. i talk to a guy a lot who says every guy except him is fruity.
me: heeeh... thats ok..
a: "People like you, who walk the scary line between man and woman, are *very* helpful in understanding exactly what it means to be human. Thanks, and good luck."
me: we're ok for manly chicks.. but we'd be bad as femmie men.
a: i know
me: hahaha.. i'd be like.. beat up or something
a: jeeezus.
a: this is bad
a: i think
me: ..?
a: being a manly chick
me: yeah.. it is pretty bad..
me: but be happy we AREN'T actual men.
a: lol.
a: that would be REALLY REALLY bad
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