October 27, 2001

12:07 p.m.

sophomore year


yes, g3, i understand perfectly. unfortunately, there's < oo # of R#s that can be +. that is what sux about math, not having # to +. when you +#, at least you kno where you stand. (btw, i found a pic of you in seventh grade!!!!! hehe, you're crossed-eyed, it's so cute!)

so i have this cousin who's visiting as an exchange student somewhere in the midwest. she calls me, and she's like, "it's so fun here, i like it. school is so easy, cuz everyone here is lazy so it's not that hard to get good grades." gee, that made me feel so...pathetic. and not only that, she's out partying and stuff every week. that made me feel like a bum.

this has been by far the most uninteresting year of my life. prolly cuz i wanted it that way, but not this way! i'm not happy/depressed, relaxed/stressed, hyperactive/asleep, i'm just not anything! my boredom thrives on routine, and sophomore year is as routine as it gets.

i'm gonna go try to sulk. that would be more interesting. but i'll prolly fail miserably.


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