October 31, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.

fulllll mooooonnnnn

so, what made you corrupt?



it's the full moon, i tell ya. my tv show is on a slight hiatus after the conclusion to that cliffhanger from a few months ago. heh, i was right all along, wasn't i? and yet that didn't cushion my disgust when my assumptions were confirmed.. i literally felt like puking.. i just sat in class shaking, trying to squeeze certain thoughts out of my head.. but it didn't work. hmm, i wonder what's coming up next week. soap operas last such a long, long time.. finally today was a bit more exciting.. but still, everything is moving so slowly. oh well, we'll see. i'll see. mwaaahahaha. how pathetic.

g1's future... a housewife with two kids and an apron on frying sausages.. with a husband who's never home.

some day i'm just going to walk up to certain.. persons.. and smack them in the face. yep, just smack 'em and casually walk away. if they chase me i'd run, but i bet they'd just stand there.. thinking.. "whoa, some girl randomly smacked me. what was that for?" wellp, i have my reasons.. one being that those people are such dumbasses.. nah, not "inferior intellects".. just.. senseless idiots.. no matter how smart one of those persons is said to be. idno, i kinda wish somebody would smack me.. maybe i'd see everything differently.. so technically i could be doing them a favor or something. heh, right.

yep... some day, some day......


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