October 29, 2001

8:43 a.m.

that ole feeling


sometimes, i feel like i could float. mostly when i'm relle tired. i'm relle tired.

this morning, i saw the guy i used to like (last yr). and i felt nothing. hmm, i was like, hehe. i don't feel hatred, like some ppl, or disgust, or traces of that ole feeling, i was just like, hmm...ok. this is b/c i didn't relle like him. i kno some would beg to differ, and i would too, but i didn't relle like him. it was just an uncontrollable elation every time i saw him. eeewwww, i can't believe i'm saying this. eeewww!


*sing a song of six pence

a pocket full of rye

four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie

when the pie was opened the birds began to sing

wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?*

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