October 24, 2001

6:13 p.m.

no powerrrr

the power went out todayyyyy.. in math class.. hehe, that was fun. i love storms during the day.. they bother me at night, though.. i haven't slept for the past two nights because of them.. they're just way too loud and all. it was kinda funny.. my teacher kept trying to do class and took someone's little flashlight thing and held it up to the board for us to "see".. some guy also turned off the lights, so we didn't notice that the power went back on for a while.. smart. it's too bad that nothing could ever shut down stevenson.. nothing at all. oh well, i guess. there can always be sick days.

i miss having the "funny guys" from pre-hs in my classes.. i have such a sheltered schedule cuz of the classes i'm in, and i don't ever get to see them.. idno.. some of those people were such dumbasses, but then a few of them were actually not only funny, but nice. some of the stupid things they did were hilarious.. i wasn't bored in class around them, cuz of what they'd do/say.. school wasn't so serious or focused. hehe.. i liked how in math class they put their desks into that line in the back.. but that was so stupid.. and in english.. hahahahaaaa.. ms. havisham discussion. that was disgusting.. but still, the whole time was wasted, we weren't on track at all. i want h.s. teachers to get off on tangents!!!! but nope. everyone is just too damn focused. grrrr. hs sucks.

o.. and g2.. you are still the same.. just.. more mature and older.. dunno.. that's just my opinion.

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