September 21, 2002

1:26 p.m.


argh im gona fill out surveys now cause im so damn bored and no one is online. well sisi was and now she's idle. and dim...well damn it no yea. i wana do something tonite. actu. i wana watch the beauty pageant. who's with me? hehe

name? shan
age? 16 height? 5'2"
birthday? 12.17.85
hair color? black hairlength? too long. but ill cut it after h/c
siblings? negative.
pets? negative.
have a bf/gf? no if not do you...
want one? can't kill me
need one? hmm...what kind of question is that? need one for what?.....blah


season? summer. or raining days. but that's not a seasons
time of day? sleeping time
food? chips. chocolate
drink? water. fruit juices
room of your house? my room
person to talk to in person? hmm...depends on the mood
person to talk to online? im not good online. stan knows that

What's your favorite:..

Number? 23 is lucky. 44 is when im gona die. hehe g3
Holiday? um...i used to heart Halloween. but then candy made me fat so not so much n e more
Radio station? 103.5, 96.3, 94.7,101.1,101.9..etc Place? my grandparents house in china. i miss them. except the bathroom.
Flower? roses
Scent? any nice scent that's also nostalgic.
Drug? i signed a contract to not do drugs
Breakfast Food? cereal
Pattern? i hate patterns. they make my head spin
Board Game? monopoly


makes you mad? bad grades. crappy people. inconsiderate actions. losing.
makes you happy? certain people. him. oh and good grades
turns you on? tom cruise
turns you off? hairiness. bad teeth. bad breath...amongst many many things
makes you sick? life
is your second home away from home? nowhere.

last thing you...

ate? an hr ago
. watched on tv? an hour ago
drank? coffee. went to a bank and got free coffee. and cookies too
listened to? avril lavigne
talked to? sisi
hugged? hmm...idno. maybe jen like 2 wks ago
made out with? blah. that's who
licked? like an ice cream cone?
yelled at? stan prolly.
Have you ever...

Fallen for your best friend? there's that fine concrete line b/w friends and lovers. i don't cross it ever. so no
Made out with JUST a friend? no
Been rejected? unfortunately. yea.
Used someone? for rides
Been used? yep. for hw
Done something you regret? definately.

Favorite movies you've seen: royal tenenbaum is the recent fav.
> Favorite magazine: hmm all the gossipy ones
Favorite subject in school: hmm...the easy ones
Least Favorite: biology. i want u to die
Favorite Soundtrack: the one from there's something bout mary
What's your favorite color: light blue, light pink, light purple
Persons who know the most about you: hmm...
Craziest or silliest person you know?: i don't know
If you could meet one person in the world who would it be? tom cruise...
Do you have a crush?: um...depends
Who?: ~~~~~~~
If you could go out with anyone in the world who: tom cruise
When you meet a person of your preferred sex you first notice their: face
Who was your first crush?: haha...second grade? this kid named raul. if like real crush crush? adam.
Have you ever been in love? god i hope that wasn't love
Do you believe in yourself?: at times
Worst feeling in the world: alone
Best feeling in the world: winning (jared's answer like 10 years ago) and...being appreciated
What religion are you? undecided
One thing you want to change about yourself: weight. height. oh yea and everything else
Are you a health freak? no
How many rings before you answer the phone? 1 or 2.
Have you ever been attacked by a big dog? dimitry's stupid #*&$ $*#*@@*$&#* yes. i have
Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork? hah no im chinese
What is the best number in the world? 23
How many homes have you lived in? 5
How many schools have you attended? 8
Do you play any instruments? no
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? blanket
What do you wear to bed? very little
If you could dye your hair one color: pink
On a scale from 1-10 how romantic are you? helpless romantic? 12. romantic? -2
If you could have a tattoo what and where would it be? a rose on my hip
Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie?: in
Any piercings....where?: ears
What's on your walls in your room? lol a picture of me.
Have you ever been skinnydiping?: no. hehe sounds fun though!
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? yes
What's under your bed? sat books. lol keeping them hidden
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: no

ok that's enough of that. my shoulders hurt...and my feet are asleep. good bye.

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