November 13, 2001

9:01 a.m.


jen and i were talking bout the "chase". it makes sense. some ppl like it w.o a challenge. some ppl enjoy the chase. its a nice challenge. the bad thing is when it ends. well it's not too bad if it ends with us catching up to the guy. but it's bad if when we catch up to them, then they start sprinting away.

it's kinda funny...when i like guys. it's like..even though they're not perfect, it almost seems like everything they do or say is!

m: my mom cuts my hair
me: awhhhh!
m: i eat a lot
me: that's so...cute!
m: i enjoy sittin on my ass.

ok so not the exact wordings of things but u get the pt. actually i wish the chase will just end soon. i want to rest and drink some water. (mebe a shower?..hahahaha jk jk jk it was in a convo)

hmm brett made a good pt. mebe he's not ready yet. not ready to...what? talk? grr...just talk. is dat so hard? just come up to me and say hi or something. im so tired of running......

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