November 12, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.


yeah. my tv show has been canceled on account of its.. suckiness. it got boring, stupid, repetitive, and overly.. pathetic. i'm not watching anymore.. in fact, i stopped a while ago.. when "happily ever after" was reached. everything after that point is just so.. predictable.. the same.. and quite frankly, i don't care what happens. doesn't interest me at all. and i feel like crap for knowing that it did. yick.

'course, nothing lasts forever, especially feelings. if you're doing really great right now, odds are you will feel that much worse in a while.. or vice versa. life's one big roller coastterrrr.. and i am not strapped in.

ew.. i don't like that song. they can do much better than that..


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