July 12, 2002

i heart weezer.

=w= (WOOHOO)

weezer concert last night... wow. definitely the highlight of the summer, if not one of the most fun nights of my LIFE so far. it was AMAZING!!! AHHHH I HEART WEEZER!!!!!! seriously HEART weezer!!! everything was a million times better live.... absolutely everything... I even liked DASHBOARD! the whole night was incredible for all of the reasons g1 listed and more... I never would've expected to enjoy myself like I did, or act like I did.. but with all of those people.. and that energy... it was hard not to get caught up in it. dudeee.. we're SO going to another concert.. if it tops this one.. man. i can't imagine it topping this one.....

well.. i would like to apologize to anyone reading this who had to put up with the way i acted... really don't know what was wrong with me.. i was kind of out of it, i guess.. but NATURALLY high, of course.. i must've been screaming too loud or something to get myself dizzy, and became abnormally hyper... it must've been the mountain dew. ;D but yep, managed to scare myself upon reflection.. why the hell did i talk to those weirdish guys?!?!? if i'm like that when i'm sober, i don't ever want to be drunk... i'm embarrassing... :*( .. please don't hold any of that against me...

oooh.. and while g1 was busy looking at the hot guys, i went ahead and made FRIENDS!!!! i know what college i wanna go to now... HEHEHE. GO RAY. hottie hott hottttttt. "if you want meeeee you can't have meeeeee... because you got to understand meeeee..." i don't think i've felt that great before in my life.. so energized and happy.. freaky!!! am i EVER enthusiastic?! i'm scaring myself right now, actually.. but i guess making a complete ass of myself was worth it. fun. soooo much fun. medium blue weezer t shirt.. woohoo!!! head bopping, dancing.. my calves hurt from standing on my toes to see through my groove... damn drunk people behind me kept blowing smoke, so my shirt stinks.. but hey, i still love it.

yeah yeah.. i've said enough.. nothing that made sense.. it was such a great feeling to be able to sing along at the top of your lungs.. with hundreds of people.. AND the actual band. IT ENDED TOO SOON!!!!!! i'm with g1.. LET'S BE GROOUUUPIEEESSSSSS... :D

oohhh and g1.. we're gonna wean you off of pop music!! g2.. i'm sooo glad you decided to go.. and that you helped me brush up on my weezer before i went. helped out a LOT!!

darn. summer's half over. i'll have to start the homework soon..... "so long sweet summer.. i fall into you and you've gracefully fallen away.." yeah. :( emo's still sad.

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