July 08, 2002

9:05 a.m.

what about today

i've been having trouble sleeping lately. [stupid brain, stupid thoughts]. so i decided to watch tv. since i don't have cable on sunday nite, the channels were limited. so i watched "married with children". i remember i used to love that show...it's so weird! it's all...like low, whitetrash humor. funny. but still kinda strange. the son reminds me of seth green for some strange reason.

"When I'm back from the road then you're out on it and i'm tired of this distance and I believe it's over, it's over-rated. And this phone tag game is endless the novelty is wearing I'm hoping time will pass without any assistance or convincing."-dashboard [who else has it been lately =)]

time will pass. in 5 years, none of this will matter. so why is it so annoying now? why does it make the days so unbearable saddening?...eh...ok everything will be all right, and if not? well...life is pretty short, so it can't be all that bad.

It's getting hard
but you don't even know
maybe you can't see
I'm getting tired
I've been still
I'll panic on

Hearts are sinkin' blind
yeah well you don't even know
all you gotta do
just stop and ask me

No more to say
what about today
what's really going on
and between the blind
and blood shot eyes
I'd thought I'd see my way


blasting britney spears music [lonely, let me be, overprotected] and singing on the top of my lungs = hopefully a recovery from mope era. =o/

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