February 03, 2003

walk it off

there's more than one way to get high, not that i've tried very many but i guess it's common knowledge. harhar.. people's perceptions are amusing. if i ever lose it all i'm stealin a banana to hold up a convenience store because that should be productive. and you're a pessimistic little fruit, but more than that, overdramatic. not willing to dig deep into your memory to figure out why you feel the way you do? repeating the same old lines, hackneyed cliches and want a change? go for a high.. get high while you're low and get low right afterwards just to get high again. wow life is great, all so cyclic, and everyone knows that communism would be a blessing because everyone would be forced to work to their maximum potential and we'd be living in a utopia. but i'd be making bombs. in the grand scheme of things, everything you do is somehow a pointless failure, but sometimes building a side table just feels worth it, so obsess over details. yeah ok so i wasted more of my life. i heart mondays.
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