June 11, 2002

10:48 a.m.

you're special

"mirror mirror i wish you can lie to me" -m2m [or as liz would say "crap music"]

my dad's coming back today cause his flight was in toronto last nite due to the thunderstorm. everything's happening all at once. my mom is taking her relative [i guess mine too] to this place to get something done to his visa so he can go back to china. so my dad has to wait in the airport for 3 hrs cause my mom didn't want to waste $60 on a taxi.

my dad kept saying on the phone "hurry up and grow up so we can depend on you". geez...im trying! give me time damn it. im so sick of not being able to do anything. im gona start learning my directions soon cause i need to know how to get to places.

i get to learn my veggies and fruits today...yeh...[roll eyes]. oh well first week of summer feels like the last. is that even possible?

jerry springer is funny...his wise words are so...wise! i mean, the whole show is like full of crappy ppl, but his endings makes them worthwhile...ok enuf tv for me.

countdown to jr year begins...damn dreading this all my life


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