August 02, 2002

11:30 a.m.

my best friend

Yea. this could be a rather cheesy entry but bare with me. it's pretty personal...i think. "on the way home, this car is my confessions, i think tonight i'll take the long way"

So, i met her when i was around 11 or so. At that time, i was a shy insecure girl. it's funny cause i was very intimidated by her at first. i think it was cause she was so damn tall. heh. but our personalities were very compatiable and we became instantly best friends. i think it was going to niagra falls together [20 hr car ride] that officially made that bond. we were so silly then. i was looking for Mark-Paul Gosselaar [Zach from saved by the bell] and she was in love with devon sawa [casper]. fun memories.

I used to live in des plaines, so it was easier for us to see each other. [she lives in skokie] plus, we were in the same chinese school class. so many sundays, so many gossips, so times.

but true test of our friendship came when i moved over here and when she stopped going to chinese school. but we never really lost connection. it's true that the period of us not seeing each other gets longer and longer as we grow. she has a job now, and she's going off to college. but we've gone through so much. it's hard to see why we would lose touch.

g2 always thought it was weird that my best friend is someone who i hardly ever get to see. but i don't feel that way. when we are together, it's like we've always been around each other. i think it has to do with how much we've shared before, and how much we trust one another still. i think i can tell her just about anything and she'd understand. i don't feel judged around her, and we help each other through difficulties. in 7th grade, it was boys, and later on, it can be bigger issues. but i kno she'll always be there for me and vise-versa. plus: im her first baby's godmother ;) same with me...haha if i ever have kids...ouch....

im really lucky to have a best friend like her...and i hope it stays that way =). im done


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