November 03, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.


i have never been this sluggish in all my life.. WOOHOO!

last night i saw riding in cars with boys after being stranded for 2 hours.. yeah, i was expecting a comedy, but nope. it was one of the most depressing movies i have ever seen... the commercials are soooo misleading. afterwards i was laughing though cuz my friend and i were talking about how dysfunctional our own families were.. yeah.. idno why we were laughing, but we were.. lol, it is kinda funny when you think about it.. but i think we just needed to get happy or something.

who actually WANTS a normal life? i've seen normal people, normal families, normal problems.. and they're so.. boring. sure, the people in those families end up a lot better.. or at least more stable.. but.. hm. wait, nevermind, i think..

ahhhh only one more day left.. time is going too fast for me to be slug. how unfair. the tick tock of the clock is painful, all sane and logical. i wanna tear it off the wall...

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