July 02, 2002

10:27 a.m.

these are my confessions

Dashboard = therapy

I wana give you, whatever you need
What is it you need?
Is it within me?
It's hard to explain how i am getting by on so little from you
it's hard to believe that i would let myself get so wrapped into you
it's gotta be something that would be worthwhile for me to give to you
we need a connection but you seem to push me far away from you

so here it comes, another empty stomach, and another headache...gotta go eat some more disgusting ramen. "she's down to 100 ibs". no one likes an anorexic...yet deep down, it's like..that girl must be determined. or is it just me who's the one who thinks that? ouch...

it's not as if i get my wish, i'll be content.

no one's really ever content

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