August 14, 2002

motivation such an aggravation...

hmmm.. 7 days before school starts.. 5 subjects of homework.. i've barely started... i wasted today.. so only 6 left... tryouts start monday... relatives coming saturday and sunday... so technically i only have two free days to finish 20ish hours of homework... except tomorrow i'm busy.. so that leaves just friday. oh crap. but friday... yeah. if i don't sleep, there shouldn't be a problem, right? except.. i'm still lacking the motivation to sit down.. and work. ah well. there's always tomorrow....

insert screaming here..... some day, some day.... soon, hopefully.. before i explode. :*( sigh.

(neerg kniht!!!)

i hope i catch the subliminal messaging...

cry me a river, build me a bridge... and jump off of it. woohooo mope fest 2002!!!! when doing the right thing feels so wrong....
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