June 17, 2002

3:20 p.m.

oh when will the hours pass...


darn it. my neighbors are so noisy. or their workers are anyway. i got people building a deck on one side of me, and people painting the house on the other. ok, so painting a house isn't really that noisy. but building a deck is. even that wouldn't be so bad, but do they really have to start work bright 'n early at 8AM? at least let me get a full ten hours of shut-eye, for pity's sake. yeah, i'm just complaining like a whaddaya-call-em people that always complain. but heck, i can't even think with this constant pounding noise going on. right outside my window, too. do you ever wonder why red things always fade in the sun? my swingset's red is a sorta puke-yellow now. i can see it from my window, along with my bird's eye view of the workers. it must be some physics wavelength light property or something or other, save me from that. yikes, this bio book is big. not that US is a light load either. why am i complaining so much? must be the weather. it's so sticky and hot and humid, phew, i wanna jump in that pond in my backyard. except that i might catch some sorta weird nature disease. it might be safer just to jump in my neighbor's pool, but the painters might catch me trespassing. i'm sticky and restless, and i hate days when i have an obligation to do something, like actually work. it makes me feel so walled in. i spend the whole day waiting to start it just to finish with it which really wastes a whole day. WHAT CAN I DO??????? i'm going crazy, i really need something to occupy me. maybe i could offer my services to those deck builders over there. gain some job experience, unofficially. oh look, my calendar's still on may. gotta fix that, see ya.


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