December 06, 2002


eh, so i was slightly ignorant.. i believed in a promise never kept, never acknowledged... i didn't warrant a decent goodbye. pushed aside, avoided, in retrospect it was "good times, fun times, rolling with the times but it all meant nothing". and somehow out of the complete lack of trust and contact... complete lack of care about my well-being, a friendship was to remain. ironic, almost. the ice berg and the sugar coated bullshit, even though you looked into my eyes and said different, and i believed you when you promised straight answers and not being afraid to hurt me, to make me angry. the truth wouldn't have, but the truth in this situation is that you were a coward, you made it detached, you didn't care enough to push through, but you wisely bended the blame towards my side, based the decision on my "desires", sugar coated your words, masked behind a screen. if you cared and meant all of those cliches, i would have been satisfied, but now it seems everything i believed in was about getting caught up in the moment and not trying any harder. so of course i'm upset, but the only regret i hold is thinking it was something more, believing in you, believing you meant more to me and wanting to try, when you resorted to exaggeration and detachment to wiggle yourself away, unharmed. and don't worry, i doubt you'll ever have to talk to me again. inconvenience.. ha. well, i'm done.
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